Age of Imperial Revolutions or Age of Atlantic Revolutions?Klooster, Wim (ed.), The Cambridge History of the Age of Atlantic Revolutions, vol. 3 — The Iberian Empires. Cambridge University Press…Jan 20Jan 20
Guaman Poma’s ‘Nueva Coronica’ as an Encyclopedia on Counterfeiting.It takes a counterfeiter to detect counterfeit. Guaman Poma invented a preposterous lineage. He cast himself as a prince, the descendant of…Sep 16, 2024Sep 16, 2024
Seeing-Like-the-State or When Historians are Blind: Masters’ ‘We, the King’Adrian Masters. We, the King: Creating Royal Legislation in the Sixteenth-century Spanish New World (Cambridge University Press, 2023)Sep 14, 2024Sep 14, 2024
Early Modern Spanish Empire: Racial Purity of Blood vs New Ideologies of Pan-Ethnic, Ecumenical…Max Deardorff. A Tale of Two Granadas: Custom, Community, and Citizenship in the Spanish Empire, 1568–1668. Cambridge: Cambridge University…Apr 3, 2024Apr 3, 2024
Hispanoamérica, Colombia, Latinoamérica, España: Un proyecto historiográfico decimonónico común…Entre 1780 y 1782 sendas rebeliones populares en Alto Perú y Nueva Granada pusieron en entredicho el control de la monarquía española sobre…Aug 18, 2023Aug 18, 2023
The New History of Conquest in GuatemalaBy the time Cortes invaded Mexico, Guatemala was a land with at least six ethnic territories pitted against each other: K’iche’…Apr 18, 2023Apr 18, 2023
The search for ‘essential’ beauty and the transformation of race, from skin color to the shape of…Alejandro Malaspina led the largest scientific expedition (1789–94) to the Spanish colonies in America and Asia, one that lasted five…Mar 19, 20231Mar 19, 20231
Whose Modernity? Spain, Inquisition, Empire, and the Quest for Certainty.Most scholars of “modernity” sustain that the Reformation and the European expansion to the Americas called into question age-old…Jun 1, 2022Jun 1, 2022
Whence Political Theory? Modernity and NaturePolitical theorists have long grappled with “nature” to explain the making, transformation, and destruction of human polities. Aristotle…May 8, 2022May 8, 2022
Horizons: A Global History of Science?Poskett’s Horizons: A Global History of Science (NY, Penguin: 2022) is a provocative new history of science. Poskett sees modern science as…Apr 3, 2022Apr 3, 2022